RAM Gathering

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2020.10.20 RAM Meeting
Message: The Remnant’s Goal - Personal Covenant (Prayer Journal) | 2 Timothy 4:1-5

“As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. (5)”

Participants: Pastor’s wife Kwon, Deaconess Annabel Hannah Park, and Ordained Deacon Lim Meeting:

권남숙사모: 영산업인 회장 이용호 장로님과 대화 중 미주 전역에 있는 미술에 관심있는 렘넌트들과 Zoom 을 통해서 말씀을 묵상하고 그림을 그릴 수 있는 플렛폼에 대한 컨텐츠를 나누었다. RAM 은 멘토들의 영적인 시스템을 세우는 시간표로 인도 받아왔다. 그렇지만 만약 하나님의 시간표 속에 있다면 아무 것도 없는 렘넌트가 걸어갈 수 있는 모든 길, 특히 문화를 예비하는 이 일을 시작하면 어떨까 한다.

  • Remnant Art meeting

    • -  2주에한번모임으로의견모음.

    • -  오직 그리스도 안에서 나오는 기능을 찾는 시간- 유일성 발견

    • -  말씀묵상과깊은기도속에서작품을만들고,포럼과제3자에게작품을전달하여

      복음을 전달하는 것 시스템.

    • -  참여 렘넌트의 작품들을 RAM 웹사이트에 기재하여 전도의 컨텐츠로 활용.

    • -  권남숙 사모, 아나벨집사, 임원빈 안수집사가 한팀으로 진행.

    • -  오후 2 시 (LA Time) 에 모임 예정.

    • -  10월27일에다시모여구체적인내용을설정하기로함.

  • 2020년이후RCA전시회방향

    - 미디어전시

  • Remnant Artists website

    • -  류광수 목사님, 김광호 장로님, 김효환 장로님 작품 기재.

    • -  구자룡집사, 안준성집사, 한예지 렘넌트에게 작품기재관련 연락 예정.

Elder Peter Lee is interested in having his 10 year old daughter to practice within the art field and have an upper room meeting through RAM to start the process of starting the life movement within the art field with remnants. 

From nobody to everybody. From nothing to everything. RAM is to build a system. RAM’s goal is to build a system. Since the beginning of time we would have exhibitions with RCA (Remnant Conference of America). But now moving on forward we may have to make changes for the new generation. Creating a video for RCA an online gallery show. 

Art and word movement. But which word? We want to build a platform. For someone to come draw and encourage. But there is no one to critique or encourage in words through Christ. But as professionals they will receive guidance, how can we encourage through the word movement? 

  • Through the word we create. And then forum. (Word & prayer+art & forum/evangelism)

  • Meeting with remnants twice a month. 

  • Saturday 2pm/5pm week before and week after remnant day 

  • 5 minutes of praise and then create art.

  • Put it online on RAM website and show friends their painting and what it means until next meeting.

    RAM becomes the evangelism platform. We will meet next week to discuss how God has guided us in creating the right content for RAM meeting with young artist remnants.


RCA - Remnant Conference of America 12th Annual Art Exhibition


RAM Gathering Zoom