Olivia Nam Sook Kwon | Gwang Ho Kim | Hyo Hwan Kim | Hak Kyun Kim | Joung A Kang | Hyeonji Hwang
Aaron Jaryong Koo | Sue Kim | Annabel Park | Wonbin Lim | Sookjin Park | Christine Seungmee Lee | Jeremy Hahn
Eunseo Lee | Evangeline Yeo | Ethan Yeo | Paul Lee | Joel Kim | Joelle Kim | Christine Songyeon Lee | Ellie Jin | Siobhan Lopez
Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16
시몬 베드로가 대답하여 가로되 주는 그리스도시요 살아계신
하나님의 아들이시니이다. 마태복음 16:16
Olivia Nam Sook Kwon Pastor's Wife | 권남숙 사모님
237 Covenant Presbyterian Church . New Jersey USA
생명의 근원 A
생명의 근원 B
김광호 장로 | Elder Gwang Ho Kim
워싱턴초대교회 Washington USA
Bible Name
나의 고백
십자가의 능력
김효환 장로님 | Elder Hyo Hwan Kim
뉴저지 생명샘교회 New Jersey Spring of Life Church
“Darakbang Photo History”
김학균 집사님 | Deacon Hak Kyun Kim
Summit Presbyterian Church | New Jersey USA
"Super Baby" Acrylic on Canvas 2020
Super baby in the mountains
Statue of Liberty wearing a mask
Sugoogyi appeared.
Joung A Kang Pastor's Wife | 강정아 사모님
Immanuel Church of Southern California USA
Acts 1:1 See
Acts 1:3 - Strength
Acts 1:8 Rescue
황현지 권사님 | Encourager Hyeonji Hwang
뉴저지원네스교회 New Jersey Oneness Church
And though a tenth remains in the land, it will again be laid waste. But as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land.” Isaiah 6:13
그 중에 십분의 일이 오히려 남아 있을찌라도 이것도 삼키운바 될 것이나 밤나무, 상수리나무가 베임을 당하여도
그 그루터기는 남아 있는 것 같이 거룩한 씨가 이 땅의 그루터기니라 이사야 6:13
Aaron Jaryong Koo | Deacon
Immanuel Church of Southern California
Transportation Design
Sue Kim | Young Adult
Anyang Dongbu Church, South Korea
MFA Design - First Year at School of Visual Arts New York, NY
Annabel Park | Deaconess
Christ Covenant Church of California
Series Title - "Three Worlds" | 35mm Film Photography
Kingdom of God - Sovereign
Satan’s Domination - Superior
The World - Enmity
Wonbin Lim | Ordained Deacon
Jesus First Presbyterian Church . Philadelphia, PA
Title - "Shackle RM" | Metals . Jewelry . CAD-CAM
Sookjin Park | Deaconess
Summit Presbyterian Church
Title: "With" | Media: Mixed Media
Christine Seungmee Lee | Young Adult
Holy Nation Presbyterian Church
Design - Junior Year Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
Place Of Remberance
Silence to Myself
Jeremy Hahn | Young Adult
워싱턴 임마누엘 교회 Washington Immanuel Church
작품명/ Title : "나 같이 하나님을 좋아하는 내 동물 친구들" "My animal friends who adore God just as I do"
사슴 Deer
호랑이 Tiger
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
오직 성령이 너희에게 임하시면 너희가 권능을 받고 예루살렘과 온 유대와 사마리아와 땅끝까지 이르러 내 증인이 되리라 하시니라 사도행전 1:8
Eunseo Lee 이은서 | 학교 School: Robinson Secondary School - 학년 Grade: 11
워싱턴 초대교회 Washington Early Church
뿌리내리는 영적상태 - Rooted Spiritual State
지역 살리는 언약의 여정 - The Journey of the Covenant to Save the Region
집중하는 시간표 - Time Schedule to Focus
Evangeline Yeo | 학교 School: Cerritos High School - 학년 Grade: 10
Immanuel Church of Southern California
Fruits on Table
Take Me Places
Ethan Yeo | 학교 School: Carmenita Middle School - 학년 Grade: 8
Immanuel Church of Southern California
Summit of the World
The Covenant of David
Paul Lee | 학교 School: GB Miller - 학년 Grade: 6
Immanuel Church of Southern California
Joelle Kim | School - AE Arnold Elementary - Grade 6 | Immanuel Church of Southern California
Christine Songyeon Lee | 학교 School: Murphy Ranch Elementary - 학년 Grade: 5
Immanuel Church of Southern California
언약의 길 Covenant Journey
손 끝 선물들 Fingertip Presents
Joel Kim - Grade 3 | Immanuel Church of Southern California
엘리 진 Ellie Jin | 학교 School: The Geneva School - 학년 Grade: 1
뉴욕임마누엘 New York Immanuel Church
loquat 비파
Plum 매화
Siobhan Lopez | School 학교 - Ellen Ocha Learning Center - 학년 Grade: 1
Christ Covenant Church of California
언약 속에서 걸어온 30년 걸어갈 30년
복음문화 회복
The Past 30 years and Another 30 years in the Covenant Journey
The Restoration of Gospel Culture